I was in Borders for their closing down sale. Something about the clamour, chaos, queues, empty shelves, and ugly shouting '70% off' signs put me off looking for anything.

I wandered round instead trying to find photos that encapsulated these elements.

People were laden with books like the world was running out. I didn't get a good shot of the pushchair full off books. I had to take the flash off because,  as my friend pointed out, 'there are laws against that'.

The chaos is illustrated in these two pictures. In the mis-spelling of Psychology next to the correct spelling, and in the back left/front right confusion on this sign:

This member of staff found a quiet corner to hide. I like how the empty shelves render the scene devoid of context, almost abstract.

I was looking through a book, and an included postcard fell out, so I defaced it with a nice goodbye message. It seems more creative if I take an active role in what's being photographed.

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